I can't choose to manually control how free certificates are issued
OpenLearning certificates get issued automatically upon completion. If I want to make sure students pass additional criteria before before they receive a certificate,…
- Completed
Automatically issue certificate after achieving a certain grade
At the moment it's only possible to automatically issue a certificate with 100% completion of a course or manually - it would be nice to have additional settings where certificates can be…
Sign in the Certificate is not loaded
I have completed digital leadership course and I finished course I got certificate when i downloaded the certificate I have found that signature image is not loaded at all.…
Certificate Issue
I have Done my course but still my certificate was pending I can't able to download and see my certificate what can I do
Certificate not found
I have completed the course Cryptocurrencies. Do I get a certificate upon completion? I wonder. Thanks.
- Answered
Certificate issues
For the final step in the course the final task is to give feedback by answering the questions. But there are no question are shown.
Pet sitters assessment
It is essential to wash hands with _ and__ after patting, feeding, handling, or having any other contact with animals, their living quarters, or their waste.…
- Answered
Community questions and discussions regarding certificates.