Issuing Multiple Certificates in One Course
It is not uncommon in CPD short courses to assign a certificate which states 1 CPD hour or 2 CPD hours. It is not feasible to create a separate course site in order to assign a new certificate only…
e-certificate download
I would like to suggest an option/adding button to download all certificate for all learners as we might need to store and keep the e-certificate for future reference.…
Certificate Template
I would like to request to upload more than 1 certificate template for institution.
Pop-up before issuing credentials
Hey, I just realized there is no "Are you sure..?" pop-up when we issue credentials manually. Considering this action is irreversible, maybe it might be useful for the issuer to have to confirm the…
- Completed
Revoke issued certificate
Hi, can we have a feature to revoke the issued certificate? There are cases that we accidentally issued certificates to those who do not qualify.
Two-signature certificate
Please add one more signature to the certificate of completion. In some cases, we are required to include the signatures of both an industry trainer and an academic. Thanks.
Export list of students who have received a certificate and certificate IDs
It's been mentioned that there is an API available to do this but it would be great if we had this functionality available on the platform, particularly for institutions who may want to issue their…
I can't choose to manually control how free certificates are issued
OpenLearning certificates get issued automatically upon completion. If I want to make sure students pass additional criteria before before they receive a certificate,…
- Completed
Certificate Downloading
I would like to suggest have button download all certificate for all learners as we might need to store and keep the certificate for future use/any problem in the future.…
The course says my progress is incomplete but I've finished all activities
Hi I'm Diyanah, I'm currently taking the course called 'Solutions of nonlinear equations' and I've completed all the module assessments and watched all the videos but for some reason,…
Progress not checked "completed" even though have been viewed
Hi, i need to get certificate (100%) however there are sections i have viewed but not marked as "completed"
- Solved
New syllabus pd : conditional probability in this course not find out correct answers for 1d4 and 1d20 dice roll. Send me correct answer plz
New syllabus pd : conditional probability in this course not find out correct answers for 1d4 and 1d20 dice roll. I try all my best level. Select all types of different different answers and all.…
Automatically issue certificate after achieving a certain grade
At the moment it's only possible to automatically issue a certificate with 100% completion of a course or manually - it would be nice to have additional settings where certificates can be…
Certificate Issue
I have Done my course but still my certificate was pending I can't able to download and see my certificate what can I do
"3-hour face-to-face session" Attendance Check
Hi, I have a question about 3-hour face-to-face session. To receive the offical certificate, it is said that I need to attend a 3-hour face-to-face session at Western Sydney University's Start-up…
Unable to complete the last task to get the certificate
Hi, I am having an issue with one of the reading tasks - [Flex The Cortex]. I have answered the question and posted my answer twice but the status still states that I have yet to complete it.…
Hello! I am Sharvil, currently studying Sports Media and Broadcasting with Rajasthan Royals and Deakin University. https://www.openlearning.com/progress/?…
Unable to receive a certificate after completion of course even after the course description suggested receiving a certificate on completion
I completed a course regarding an introduction to child and adolescent mental health. The progrese shows 100 percent and that I've finished the course but the website shows that the student support…
Course Certificate
I have completed my Agile Methodologies course. However yet to receive any certificate. How can I get it?
The progress bar doesn't work properly
Hi there, I'm a student doing the course of Fundamentals of Customer Experience. The issue is my progress bar is not working properly, it doesn't increase upto 100% but remains at 98%,…
Keslahan dalam data pribadi
Nama di sertifikat salah
Progress percentage issue
Please, I am done with my course and finished all the requirements but there is one single check that is not updated. I already did 98% but it is not updating the 2%.…
- Answered
Community questions and discussions regarding certificates.