Can an organisation pay for course enrolments via invoice?

Sometimes an organisation wants to pay to enrol participants in one or many paid courses via invoice. They might ask you as a course provider, or they may reach out to our OpenLearning Customer Success Team in order to pay via invoice.

Course enrolment payments via invoice are possible! To request to pay via invoice, please follow the steps below.

There are 2 types of Request to pay via invoice forms:

Step 1

Click on the most appropriate form for your situation.

Note: The information in the form can be provided by either the organisation themselves, or by the course provider - if they have all of the relevant information for us to generate an invoice (sometimes organisations will contact the course provider with their details to pay via invoice).

Step 2

Fill in all of the details in the form and click Submit.

Step 3

The person who will handle the invoice payment for the organisation (added at 1c in the form) will receive a confirmation email that we have received the completed form.

Step 4

We will generate an invoice and email it to the person nominated at 1c in the form for payment.

Step 5

Once we have received payment, all participants will be enrolled in the nominated courses by the OpenLearning team.

Step 6

We will email the person nominated at 1c in the form and the course provider, to let them know the participants have been successfully enrolled in the nominated courses.

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    • 4 yrs agoSat, April 4, 2020 at 9:12 AM UTC
    • Reported - view


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