Problems deleting items

I get an error message when I try to delete an object (e.g., a page, file I uploaded). Also, I don't see where I can remove classes that I do not want. I was able to close the class, but not deleted it entirely. I don't seem to have the ability to delete.

I also seem to be missing some key understanding even with following the guides or participating in your course. Unfortunately, I can't work through an entire course.  The guides only provide general instruction for basic tasks. Or either I am no finding what I am looking for in regards to developing answers.  For example, is there a way to add or adjust navigation?  Can I add a navigation button to the content - to another page or a subpage? Why are video uploads so huge; is there a way to reduce their size? When I specify a size in the configurations/object settings, after I save, the video or picture does not get any smaller.

I sent an email and have posted questions in the community that has yet to get a response. It would be appreciated if someone touched base.


Thank you.

5 replies

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there! Thanks for your inquiries. I’ve broken down your questions so we can go through them one by one.

    1) I get an error message when I try to delete an object (e.g., a page, file I uploaded).

    Can you please provide me with a link to the course and let me know which item gave you the error message? I’ll investigate it and see what I can do.

    2) I was able to close the class, but not deleted it entirely. I don't seem to have the ability to delete.

    Unfortunately, the ability to delete classes on Openlearning doesn’t exist. If you think this would be a useful feature to implement in the future, we would absolutely appreciate your feedback on the issue in our “suggest a feature” section: https://help.openlearning.com/category/ideas

    Perhaps it’s something we can implement in the future!

    3) is there a way to add or adjust navigation? 

    Yes, there is! Here is an article we have that should explain it. https://help.openlearning.com/t/h4jkra/how-do-i-update-the-course-navigation

    If you have any more questions about this issue please let me know! I’d be more than happy to explain further.

    4) Can I add a navigation button to the content - to another page or a subpage?

    Navigation is done mostly through the sidebars on the left-hand side of your course (as shown in the article linked above.) Is there a particular kind of navigation that you would have liked within a page? Let me know what you had in mind and we can try to figure something out together!

    5) Why are video uploads so huge; is there a way to reduce their size? When I specify a size in the configurations/object settings, after I save, the video or picture does not get any smaller.

    Can you elaborate on this one a bit? Do you mean you don’t like the amount of space the video takes up on the page? Or that it’s file size is large and takes a long time to upload onto the site?

      • Helping new and inspiring coaches develop core skills to become experts in their industry.
      • Reid_Ready
      • 6 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar Link to course: https://www.openlearning.com/courses/coach-training-for-beginners/HomePage

      People tend to be visual and will overlook what is not obvious. I was thinking to add a button within the content, similarly as a link, to a subpage or the next lesson.

      Regarding the video and image size: see attached. This is even after I set/configured the size to apprx 100x100 or 150x100. I want it a good put not taking over the entire page.

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 6 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Reid Ready Training 

      1) Thank you so much for providing the link! The course is looking wonderful so far. Could you please let me know which item prompted the error message when you tried to delete it?

      2) It's very thoughtful of you to want to create the clearest navigation possible for your students! At the bottom of each page in a module, there are arrows that will take them to the previous or next page. I can see how they can be missed by potential students though. We don’t have any in-page buttons to fix this. Here are a couple of suggestions that may work though:

      a. Perhaps you could add an explanation within the homepage or in the first module prompting students to click on the proper navigation. 

      b. If that's still not as clear as you'd like, perhaps ending each page with a hyperlink to the next page might be the most efficient solution. For example, at the end of the "Lesson 2” page you can have, in bold or italicised text "Lesson 3” or “Click here for Lesson 3" as a hyperlink that, when clicked, will navigate them to that lesson. Please let me know if you need any instruction on hyperlinking text in Openlearning.

      3)Thank you so much for the images! I understand the problem much better now. The amount of space the video takes up on your screen isn’t decided by the upload size but by the size of the video widget. Here is an article that explains how to make a widget smaller: https://help.openlearning.com/t/y7gcdc/how-do-i-change-the-width-of-widgets-in-new-style


      Please let me know if you have any more questions!

      • Helping new and inspiring coaches develop core skills to become experts in their industry.
      • Reid_Ready
      • 6 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar I can include your suggestions, i.e., adding hyperlink. FYI, and I will send this to the suggestion, it would help a lot of we got a drop-down list of all available pages that we can possibly link to so that we did not have to find the link, copy it, then paste it.


      As far as the error, I have attached a screen shot of the "type of item" that won't delete. I had to delete the entire widget and then reload the files. The items listed now are the ones I want, but the error still comes up if I try to remove the file.


      Here is the link: https://www.openlearning.com/courses/admin/?course=courses/coach-training-for-beginners&cohort=courses/coach-training-for-beginners/Cohorts/ClassOf2018&action=content

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 6 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Reid Ready Training Thanks for adding that to the suggested features section! Your feedback is very appreciated. Regarding the error message, I have looked into the issue and it appears to be a bug. I will report it to our development team and hopefully, someone will be able to fix it up very soon. Thanks so much for your patience.

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