Do Assesments get copied when you copy a course?
Creating / setting up the assessments can be time consuming. So, I am wondering if once I create the assessments in one course, will they show up in others based on that course,…
I finally figured out how to setup my assessments. Unfortunatley, three of my quizzes will not come in or provide the grading/evaluation. When I try to click Pass or Fail in the Assess Students…
Student is missing....again
I am not sure why my student keeps dropping from being registered in her course. I see she completed assignments, and obviously has access. She took her exam/assessment, but I don't see her results.…
- Not a Bug
Seeing an exam results
I setup an exam forI my students. However, I don't see the results. I didn't see any special setup or email. How do I see their results?
- Answered
Major Platform Issues
Hello Support Team, We have been having major tech issues over the past month or so. At first, it was an issue with the default commnents section. When I created the course,…
- Solved
Technical Issues with Comments & Locked Modules
Having some tech issues with my courses: With: https://www.openlearning.com/courses/coach-training-for-beginners/homepage?moduleSet (YR2019COACH1B) My student said she cannot access any of the…
- Solved
Printing Posts or Course Info
Hi, is it easily possible to print entered information? For example, If I use the Widget for Posting Test, Fill in the Blanks, or Short Answers, can Learners print that information,…
- Answered
Global Settings
It would be very awesome to have global settings. Meaning, if I wanted to set a due date for all lesson in Module 1 to 12/1/2018, I could add that date or configure that setting and all modules…
Unable to delete annoucements
Another component difficult to delete. I tried to delete an announcement, but I get an error. Please see attached. Also, how do you delete a subpage?
- Solved
Drop-down lists for created pages/subpages
It would be very helpful if when adding a hyperlink or connecting to a page or subpage for navigation there was a drop-down list of all pages and subpages that exist in the course.…
Delete Classes and Courses
It would be very helpful to be able to delete or remove classes from courses. Or, at a minimum, hide classes that are not going to be used.
- Completed
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