Which settings are class-specific?

A class is a cohort of learners who complete a course together.

There can be multiple classes within one course on OpenLearning. The course runs primarily the same for each class. However, there are a few settings that are or can be made to be class-specific.

Understanding classes


Pre-enrolment Questions

You can create a different set of questions for each class in your course.

How do I set up pre-enrolment questions for my course?



Announcement pages are different from class to class. When you post an announcement, only learners of that specific class are notified.

How do I send course announcements?



Your course banner is automatically set to be the banner in all of your classes. However, if you upload a class banner, it will appear as the course banner in that specific class.

How do I change the class-specific banner?



The pace of each class can be set differently. You can have one or multiple classes set as open, self-paced or with different start dates and schedules. 

How do I set up access times for classes and course content?


Enrolment type

Separate classes can be public, private - manual enrolment, or private - accessed via an access code.

How to set up the enrolment type


Enrolment cost

Each class can be free or paid.

How do I set up a paid class?


Learner List

The learner list for each class will reflect the learners enrolled specifically in that class. 

What happens when I enrol a learner on a course?


Learner Enrolment Numbers

In each class, you can now set the number of total enrolments allowed.

How do I set up enrolment numbers?

If I have more than one class open at a time, which one do learners enrol in when they click Join Now?

Each course has a featured class which you can configure under Course Setup > Classes in your Course which functions as a default class.

However, if there are multiple available classes, it will allow you to select the class that you wish to enrol in.




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