How do I add team members?

  You will need to have an institution administrator role to follow these steps.


The 2-part process involves:

1: Adding the user to the institution and assigning an institution role.

2: Adding the user to courses and assigning a course and class role (optional, can also be done later).


Go to Institution settings > People > Manage team > Add team members.

- Enter their email in the "Add team members by email" text box and click Add to list.


- On the next screen, fill out the additional fields and/or check the boxes:

Make sure you choose the appropriate institution role, the other fields are optional. 

If team members don't have an OpenLearning account yet, you can create one for them by checking the "Automatically create accounts and email team members their password" box.


You can either:

- Enter the emails separated by a comma in the Add team members by email box.

- Use the CSV template.

If you'd like to assign the existing team members to courses, click on the View team members tab.

- Choose the team members you'd like to assign to courses and choose Assign to courses from the Bulk actions drop-down.

 - On the pop-up, choose the course, the course level role, class, and class permissions:

 If you have just recently added a group of team members, you can also assign them to courses in bulk by choosing the Recently added members tab.

- Click on the View and assign to courses button and follow the same steps as above.


 Important: If a team member doesn't have a verified OL account yet, you will see their info at the bottom in the Pending team members section. Until they have created an account and/or verified their email, you will not see them in the assigned courses.



Yes, you can.

Follow the steps described in 2a or 2b within the section How do I add team members to the institution to add the team member manually using the email addresses or via CSV upload.

Tick the Enrol these team members into courses option to display the Select Courses drop-down menu.

Click on the dropdown menu under Select Courses, and choose the course, course role, class and the class permission.

Once done, click the Add team members button to add the team members to the institution and the courses in one go.


Yes! Simply follow the steps described in How do I add an institution administrator or course creator to the institution and assign them to the courses? , make sure you check the "Automatically create accounts and email team members their password" box and click Add team members.

To switch between the institution administrator role, the course creator role, and educator role please follow these steps:

Go to Institution settings > People > Manage team > View team members.

Select the team member and click on Bulk actions > Change institution role:



To switch from institution administrator/course creator/educator to learner and vice versa, please follow these steps:

- Select and remove the user from the institution using the Bulk actions button.

- Add the user back in as a team member or learner.

Go to Institution settings > People > Manage team > View team members.

Select the team member and click on Bulk actions > Remove from institution.


Go to Institution settings > People > Manage team > View team members.

Select the user you'd like to remove and choose Remove from courses from the Bulk actions drop-down.

On the next screen, choose the course and then click on the Remove from courses button.


If you need to remove someone completely (e.g. they have left the company), please make sure to remove them from courses and institutions. Please note this does not delete their account, however, it does prevent access to anything within your institution.

Only the account owner can deactivate their own account. (How do I deactivate or reactivate my account?)

The primary email is marked by A and the institution email is marked by B in the screenshot below:

The user’s primary email is the email that the user has selected when creating an OpenLearning account. 

Institution email is the email that the institution administrator has selected to invite the learner to an institution. 

When an institution administrator invites a learner for the first time using an email, the same email will be displayed on both the primary and institution email. 

However, when the learner changes the email to another email using the account settings menu (for more information, please refer to the article How do I update my email address?), the new email will be displayed on the primary email. However, this will not affect the institution email, which will still display the old email.

The reason is that the institution might still need the old email information as it’s used elsewhere in their other integrated systems. The institution email also serves as a reminder that the email is the email that was used to invite the learner to the institution.

If you would like to change the learner's institution email, once the learner has updated their email, you will need to remove the learner from the institution portal (for guide on how to do this, please refer to the section How do I remove a learner from the institution?) and add them back to the portal using the new email address.

Please note that removing the learner from the institution will also remove them from all courses that they are enrolled in within the institution. 

Next: How do I add learners?



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