Courses currently offline
It means that they will be reopened or they're simply deleted? How can it be when the course had no deadline? Or when the notice about the start of the course was given few days ago?
- Answered
How do I delete a course?
- Answered
Student submissions are not visible
Hi I have posted a discussion question and a "post text" widget for my students to comment on their thoughts. Students tell me that they have posted their answers but I can't see them.…
- Answered
What happened with Success with Emotional Intelligence?
Hi community! Does anyone know whatever happened to the Success course? I'm really wondering if it's down forever or it's going to come back. It actually contained a few years long history of…
- Answered
account setting
Sorry to interupt. i want to ask about the account setting. i've got 2 mooc account with different email address. how can i delete the other email, and just use one email?
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Marking Panel?
I haven't checked our course in a while, as it doesn't require educator feedback. Previously, to see students' answers to coursework, I would use the marking panel.…
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Page Completion
How do I set up a button so once a student has read the info on a page they simply click to notify me they are done. I don't need assessment on that page just a read the page and then its complete?
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Assessment Results
How do I see what questions my students answered incorrectly after they have taken their assessment?
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Due date
My course has closed and i haven't complete one of the activity.What am I suppose to do?Will it be re-open?
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Subject Feed for Standard 5
Hi, i wonder why there is no latest activity when I click subject feed for English subject for standard 5 as I already post an essay.
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Course that I've created not showing up in my profile
May I know why the course that I've created is not showing up in my profile and it didn't show up in the search as couses? It only shows up as "content" in the search page.
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Sijil Salah Print Nama
Hay... Saya ingin bertanya, sijil yang saya dapat ada kesalahan dari segi salah ejaan. Macam mana yea untuk buat pembetulan?
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Pinjamam perumahan
Hi Blh ka sy bertanya mengenai pinjaman perumahan. Jika kita settle komitmen dgn personal loan atas cadangan pihak bank untuk mendapatkan loan rumah adakah selalunya betul?…
- Answered
Cannot enter "location" in my etams account for accreditation hours
I am in NSW and have just completed the "Introduction to Relief Teaching for graduates. " I am trying to enter the information in my etams account however I cannot enter a 'location' for the course…
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Nesa accreditation
Hi , just wondering if all or some of the courses are Nesa accredited . jackie
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Locking certain modules
Hi there, I am wondering if it is possible to lock certain modules from students until either we unlock them, or until a specified date? I was playing around with only putting "active" modules on…
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Layout button
The training videos show a Layout button but I don't have that? What do I need to do to have it accessible to me as the administrator? Thanks in advance Vicki
Due date
I want to know if I haven't complete my course but it is alrdy closed. Will it be re-open??
- Answered
More than one option on sign up
Hello, I'd like to offer more than option for sign up to the course. I have 3 options for signing up and each would have it's own class. Option #1 is to do the course on your own without others…
- Answered
How to Show Student Numbers
Hi everyone. Can anyone show me how to appear the numbers of student that enrolled in our institution?
- Answered
Module 2 Activity
I am having difficulties with the matching activity in Module 2. Has anyone else experienced any difficulties?
- Solved
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