Custom Email
Kindly provide features to customize content of all email templates (and create new templates as needed). Most of our learners are not responsive to emails sent out from OpenLearning since the…
Like button - more options
As we know, the "Like" button is a rather blunt dopamine signal. It would be great to have more options that provide greater nuance in the social learning engagement space.…
Make facilitator (teacher) comments and posts distinguished from student comments and posts
Currently the teacher comments don't appear on the platform any differently than the student comments. When there's a long discussion between the teacher and the class,…
- Completed
Edit comments
It would be really helpful to be able to edit comments once posted. Sometimes, you think of a better way to express what you have just written and it would be more efficient to just edit the comment…
Hi admin. I have instructed my students to enroll in their own groups (see GROUP menu on the left pane). You may see some of my students are in the group accordingly.…
Send Reminder Message - edit format
Is there a way to edit the pre-defined message in the 'Send Reminder Message' emails? It would be great to be able to tailor the images and personalise the text to our learners' context.…
More filters for post galleries
I would like to be able to filter down gallery items so that I can focus my attention on related items and interpret the posts with more background information.…
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