Videos on the Institution Portal Landing Page
Is it possible to be able to add video recordings from Vimeo to the Institution Landing Page?
Institution Landing Page: Listed index of courses by Category
It would be incredibly helpful to have a listed index of all the institution courses on the site, organized by category, available on a separate page. The current thumbnail-based navigation system…
Search Box for Courses on Institution Landing Page
I strongly recommend adding a 'search box' prominently on the top of the institution landing page website. Currently, the absence of a search feature makes it challenging for the public to find…
Landing Page Customisation
We need more control or options to customise the landing page to allow a more unique and vibrant interface for different industry and use case needs. This will also allow us to make better use of…
Institution to be informed when a student deactivates themselves
We are unable to identify whether a student has removed themselves from the course or it is a system glitch when we get the error "User account no longer exists"
- Completed
Show student class for each course via Institution/Portal Settings > People > Overview
Hey there! I would like to suggest you include the student class for all courses they are enrolled in. As a portal admin, I can search for a student and check the details of him/her such as the…
Adding course admins - potentially dangerous
As a portal administrator, I'd like to keep my portal and courses public. However, I find that the process for adding administrators can be tricky and potentially dangerous.…
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