Custom Email
Kindly provide features to customize content of all email templates (and create new templates as needed). Most of our learners are not responsive to emails sent out from OpenLearning since the…
Due Date reminder for students
Good Day. May i suggest that open learning create a reminder for students on their due dates. At the moment the course creator can insert due date on their modules.…
Daily digest email summary of all activity in the course that day
Currently the only options for email notifications seem to be individual emails for every like, comment directed at the user or reply to the user OR they can get a weekly summary.…
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Bring back "mark all as read"
The "View all notification" and "manage notification" feature is basically at the same page, much prefer the "Mark all as Read" feature to come back, opening each notification to clear them is…
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Mark all notification as read
As you can see in the picture, there's 500+ notification. Do I have to click all just to get rid of it? Please make "mark all as read" a feature.
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Notifications for Widgets
It would be fantastic to have the option to have notifications for Widgets. For example when a learner uploads an image the teacher is notified. We would find this beneficial to our learning design…
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Add option to be notified when a student enrols and when they post assignments.
I would like the option to receive a notification when a new student enrols. My courses do not follow an academic timeline and therefore enrolments are spasmodic.…
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Announcement email customization
Currently only the institution invite email is customizable and other communication from the system to students are not - e.g., announcement email. These other communications are elements that…
Notification for PM
Hey team, Some (a lot?) of our users that are in large courses disable e-mail notifications to avoid receiving dozens of e-mails. The problem is that means they also don't receive an e-mail…
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Send Reminder Message - edit format
Is there a way to edit the pre-defined message in the 'Send Reminder Message' emails? It would be great to be able to tailor the images and personalise the text to our learners' context.…
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