Pop-up before issuing credentials
Hey, I just realized there is no "Are you sure..?" pop-up when we issue credentials manually. Considering this action is irreversible, maybe it might be useful for the issuer to have to confirm the…
- Completed
Two-signature certificate
Please add one more signature to the certificate of completion. In some cases, we are required to include the signatures of both an industry trainer and an academic. Thanks.
e-certificate download
I would like to suggest an option/adding button to download all certificate for all learners as we might need to store and keep the e-certificate for future reference.…
Certificate Template
I would like to request to upload more than 1 certificate template for institution.
Certificate Downloading
I would like to suggest have button download all certificate for all learners as we might need to store and keep the certificate for future use/any problem in the future.…
Revoke issued certificate
Hi, can we have a feature to revoke the issued certificate? There are cases that we accidentally issued certificates to those who do not qualify.
Issuing Multiple Certificates in One Course
It is not uncommon in CPD short courses to assign a certificate which states 1 CPD hour or 2 CPD hours. It is not feasible to create a separate course site in order to assign a new certificate only…
Export list of students who have received a certificate and certificate IDs
It's been mentioned that there is an API available to do this but it would be great if we had this functionality available on the platform, particularly for institutions who may want to issue their…
I can't choose to manually control how free certificates are issued
OpenLearning certificates get issued automatically upon completion. If I want to make sure students pass additional criteria before before they receive a certificate,…
- Completed
Automatically issue certificate after achieving a certain grade
At the moment it's only possible to automatically issue a certificate with 100% completion of a course or manually - it would be nice to have additional settings where certificates can be…
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