Modul 1: Mencapai Matlamat Completed 3/4 Menilai Kedudukan
macam mana nak siapkan modul ini, try banyak kali tak jadi
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Keluar nots macam ini ? Sebab apa ?Error: Loading chunk vendors~BlockPage/BlockPageContentPage/connector~LinkedNotification~ModuleDisplay~Pr
Keluar nots macam ini ? Sebab apa ?Error: Loading chunk vendors~BlockPage/BlockPageContentPage/connector~LinkedNotification~ModuleDisplay~ProfilePortfolioPa~897d5465 failed. (missing:
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Untuk sign in semula dan sambung kursus
Macam mana nak sambung balik kursus akpk hbhb..terpaksa berhenti sebab ada masalah...baru siap 58%...ni email saya nusaibahsyifa@gmail.com. Terima kasih
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Cara nak sambung balik kursus
Bagaimana cara nak sambung balik kursus ini... Hari itu sy siapkan sampai 65% saja...
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Not complete the Course
How be I could to continue that course ? Please respond, still not complete this course
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Id on my certificate.
Hello and good morning. About my certificate, there is an ID number written on it. What is it for really? Why my certificate has not been signed by the course facillitator yet? Thank you in advance.…
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Free month ?
is the free month means i will be immediately be charged 12 months and get 13 months. or means i will be able to try the platform for a month then i can decide to cancel the subscription if i found…
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I completed a free course on Introduction to Entrepreneurship by UTS. DO I get a certificate for it?
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Tidak boleh sign In semula
Tertekan sesuatu semasa online video..bila nak continue semula dah tak boleh join..mengapa
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Live Stream
Hi there, can we initiate a video live stream so that student and teacher can engage?
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Nama pada sijil tidak penuh.
Salam, saya telah daftar nama saya sahaja pada awalnya...tetapi saya telah mengubah kepada nama penuh pada profile saya. Setelah melengkapkan kursus ini, saya telah berjaya mendapatkan sijil...…
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pending course
hi admin due to poor internet services, i cant fullfill my course. Only 68 +- can do it. it's automatically lockdown n i missed the quizz. Please let me know, the solution due to this matter?…
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Masih 83%
Saya pun sama.. 83%.bila masuk nak selesai kan bahagian kuiz dan drag n drop tu tak dapat pula. Tak tau nak buat mcmn dah. Dia tulis you do not permission to view this. 😢😢😢
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the data didnt come out for the 4th
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Saya telah selesaikan kursus hemah berbicara hemah berbelanja
tiada sijil untuk saya download. Kenapa
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Only 92%
Ada 1modul belum complete..saya sudah buka, tapi saya tak tahu di mana masalah tak complete..
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Saya masih 83%, berulang kali cuba, masih tk dapat selesai bahagian kuiz, drag n drop masih tk appear, soalan yg perlu saya jawab pun tk appear..tlg bgi solution mcmana nk buat..
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