Can't complete
Something issue in fainting and activating EMS lesson I couldn't complete these lessons.
Blog Subscribers
I've noticed that I have twice the number of blog subscribers then I have paid members. Does anyone else have this problem?
- Answered
How do I remove a badge from my profile page?
Hello! I have noticed that all badges I've earned are shown on my new profile page. How can I remove/hide one or more of the badges? Thanks!
- Answered
Name spell mistake in Certificate coach trainer covid certificate
Spelling in the certificate is wrong , kindly suggest the name spelling mistake how to rectify and reissue the certificate
- Answered
Un-roll yourself from a course
Actually I have a specific account that I should register. But I accidentally registered into a different account. How to un-roll myself in that wrong account that I have registered?
- Answered
Unable to attend Knowledge checking
- Answered
User Name?
Where do I find my Open Learning User Name as I need it to register a course that I completed with NESA ? Thank you
- Answered
Send personalize emails to participants
Hi, Quick question: How can I send personalized emails to the participants in the class? There is only the send reminder message button, but I would like to create the message in my language,…
- Answered
Media Law
I am completed course Media Law Any Certificate is there for this course because the certificate is important for me
- Answered
Is the portal media recognized or does it require registration?
Is the portal media recognized or does it require registration?
Archiving or moving students
Hi guys, is there a way to move students who have finished the course into a new group so that all I can see in the "Students" section are active students?
- Answered
Pass Due Start Date
Can i still join a spesific courses that is pass due the date which is stated in start date information
- Answered
how to write a blog on openlearning?
need your help that how I write the latest Pakistani news blog on open learning.
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Strategic sourcing certificate needed
I want to know where I can find certificate for Strategic sourcing because I have completed it.
- Answered
Profile erased
Hi I had earlier participated in the Hemat Bicara Hemah Belanja course. But was unable to print the certificate as my application was corrupted. Now, I find that all those information erased.…
- Answered
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