Pet sitters assessment
It is essential to wash hands with _ and__ after patting, feeding, handling, or having any other contact with animals, their living quarters, or their waste.…
- Answered
"evidence" for badges?
I'm trying to give students a badge and link to the page where they did the work but I get this error when I try to link the "evidence" page? What is the proper way to use this field?
- Acknowledged Bug
2 accounts, how do I merge them?
Hi I unfortunately have 2 accounts and my course is coming up in the wrong account, how do I merge or redirect this subject. Narelle Hinkley
- Answered
Export the content (course setup) into new course
Hi, I want to ask, i have a new course created , same subject with existing one. just want to ask, how can i bring the contents (notes) to the new course. Thank you
- Answered
Did not receive my certificate
I had complete the Sexual Harassment Activity and when I had went to finish, nothing happened. I refreshed the page and restarted the whole program over and it already took and hour to complete.…
- Answered
Questions not Appears
In this course after i followed everything i sat to the Knowledge check.Only 4 answers appeared.After i answer them it finished.The remaining 26 questions not appeared same like above.…
- Answered
Course feed
I accidentally deleted the course feed while learning to use open learning. how to bring it back? Saya tidak sengaja menghapus course feed pada saat belajar menggunakan openlearning.…
- Answered
Unable to complete My Course
I am unable to complete my course computer network. Kindly help.
- Fix Pending
Unable to download certificate
I completed this far on 1 &2 and it won't let me download the certificate. It won't let me go any further
- Answered
how to hide pages temporarily
Hi I am going to hide the page for my selected students in another semester, I do not want to delete the old page, but I also do not want my students to see the previous ones.…
- Answered
Issue with Network Services module
Hi, I'm not able to complete "Network Services" module under course title Computer Networking. I have completed 2 chapters out of 3 where the last one network services video is not available to show…
- Fix Pending
Annual course
Hi All, I have created a course that needs to be taken by the same students every year. The problem I have is that I cannot invite them to a course they have already completed previously and issue a…
- Answered
How to find my ID ?
- Answered
Embracing Technology in Healthcare
Hi there, I have been invited to join the telehealth course but the link I was sent takes me to start page where I am only given an option to 'Join Now' which takes me to the enquiry page again.…
- Answered
instagram link with photo
Hi, how do i copy an instagram link & have the photo appear on my link ?
- Answered
Saya lepas isi borang nama dn smua mklumat drah lpas sya register bawh.. Dn skrang sya x thu nk prgi ke mne sbb sya bru nk smbung OGSP..
Ini borng yg sya isi tdi lpas tu dh saya tdak tahu step mne plk..
- Answered
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