Tidak bisa login
Selamat siang, Openlerning saya tidak bisa dibuka atas nama Indriani. Bagaimana membuka kembali akun saya Kata sandi ada tetapi selalu salah meskipun itu kata sandi yang benar dan saya tidak…
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Bagaimana nak dapatkan sijil rumahku tersebut?Sudah banyak kali cuba tapi masih tidak dapat.
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Embedding an H5P widget
Hi, I am trying to embed an H5P widget - the embedded iFrame is not working, I tried the Code Snippet and HTML snippet as well - just in case these worked.…
- Solved
HEMAH BICARA HEBAT BELANJA ( KPM ). I was about to complete that course early this morning, Apr 30, 2020 ( 92% ) when the page accidently went missing.…
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Blocked from my own course
I'm quite disappointed - I designed a course with *my own* content and material. At the time there was no mention of any educator fee! So now, I have this online resource which was billed as free…
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Change portal url
May I know if there's a way to change my portal URL ? From https://www.openlearning.com/premium/ to https://www.openlearning.com/featured/
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how to create a blog?
Hi How do you create blogs in open learning? I'd like my postgrad students to have two blogs, one public and one private just for them and their tutor (where they can post confidential work related…
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Crossword Problem
Hello Team I had enrolled for internal Auditing 1 course, i am finding difficult to complete one crossword in Risk based Audit and i guess the answer is right but it is not showing up,…
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Creating a tracking module or component
I would like to create a tracking or module or component where when each student completes X number of activities which equates to fulfilling completion of the course,…
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Dear course creators, do you make sure your course has demand before creating them?
Throughout my career with OpenLearining, I noticed many course creators skip a vital part of their course creation journey - market validation - making sure your online course is of interest to a…
Why Gallery Widget Share settings not activated?
When we use Post text or Post file widget, it by default come with gallery. Gallery is an effective tool to monitor who has posted text or file in a neat display.…
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Random presentation of Multiple Choice widget answers
When setting up a Multiple Choice widget it prompts for the first answer to be the correct one. However, when people view the widget, I'd like the answers to be presented in a random order.…
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Confusion on Groups
Hello, I am trying to sort out how to organize the group thing. I have a course that I will be running 2 or more classes simultaneously. Each class (4-5 students) will have it owns sharing space…
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Integrate course in onboarding flow
Hi, We want to integrate Openlearning in our onboarding flow. The goal is to let a new user take a course, and only let the user continue the onboarding if (s)he passed the course.…
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Cannot finished the course due to page not load
Hi, please help as i cannot load the page. Keep receiving the same message.
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Unable to complete the course!
I am unable to open this video due to error message 'Playback on other Websites has been disabled by the video owner'. Kindly assist. Thank you.
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i need help
i have finished the course AKPK belanja Berhemah but didnt get certificate. How to get the certificate? Haslinda Zaki
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How to get certificate
I completed a course name "Introduction to Wines" , but I don't know how to download certificate, please help
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Fill upload in group discussion
In openlearning under the my group tab there we are suppose upload our assingment. After we upload it will be under a forum discussion post. How do i edit the file or change without deleting the…
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