Do they provide certificate for Japanese course.
Do they provide certificate for Japanese course. And it's free or chargeable.
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Japanese Language certificate
hi i finished already the japanese course. How to check if the course does offer certificate? thank you
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need suggestions and examples for course feed section
I bother me for the course feed section ..can see anything that make sense for this part..I deleted my previous course feed because I can't see what are things make sense to put in
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Completion Tracking for Embedded Videos
Hey everyone, I am trying to set up a course that requires my students to watch videos all the way to the end. But when I tested it out and watching the video didn't count towards progression.…
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closed course
Hye, why this course already closed? how i want to join in, and i never join this course at all.
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I have completed food safety and quality management course and I got the cetificate ..but I want to change my name in this cetificate..((KLGanga Kumari Karandana --to --Ganga Kumari Karandana )) can…
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Quiz password
Is there an option in the settings to require students or proctors to enter a password to open a quiz or exam?
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unable to download certificate
hi admin, i have completed the dengue online cme test. however when i tried to download the certificate, it brought me to an error web page. and the cert file is empty. please kindly help me..…
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Is there a way for an instructor to see the "reasons" they entered for giving a badge?
One of the instructors in our program wants to know if there is a way to see the "reasons" that they entered when awarding a badge?
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Wrong name on certificate
Hi, I had my name written wrongly on my certificate upon completion of the course. I would like to ask whether open learning are able to re-issue a new certificate with my correct name on it.…
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Assessment page not loading
Everytime i get to the assessment page, it does not come up immediately and it takes weeks for it to finally show all the questions, i need to get my assessment done and move on to the next section,…
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logging a completed course with ETAMS
Could anyone pls help me log in a completed course on ETAMS? Does this happen automatically as I gave them my accreditation number? I have sighted the certificate of completion. Thanks :>
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Course completion Certificate
I recently completed my course of Digital Law. I wanted to know when will I receive the certificate of completion.
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Help & Support - OpenLearning
Help & Support - OpenLearning https://www.openlearning.com/help Institutions; Education Solutions · Features · Pricing · Learning Services · Verify a Certificate · API
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bila kursus rumahku akan d buka?
saya ada join tp line internet tidak bagus, saya tidak sempat habiskan kursus, jadi bagaimana hendak ikut semula kursus kerana sekarang kursus tutup?
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Bagaimana hendak menyambung Kursus Hemah Bicara Hemah Belanja (KPM) yang belum siap?
Berikut adalah emel yang dihantar oleh pihak tuan... Hi ABDULL, We’ve noticed you haven't been involved in your course Hemah Bicara Hemat Belanja (KPM) lately.…
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Need to change my name on the certificate
Hi, I had enrolled with a pet name. I need my first name on the certificate. I've changed it on my profile How can I edit it on my cert.Thanks
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Benefit of membership?
Just wondering what the benefit of paying for the yearly membership is? I can see there are already many free courses to be completed online, and thought the membership would provide further hours…
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