how to create a blog?



How do you create blogs in open learning?

I'd like my postgrad students to have two blogs, one public and one private just for them and their tutor (where they can post confidential work related examples).  I can see that in profile settings you can set which blog will receive posts by default - but I cannot see how to create a second blog in addition to the default blog everyone gets when their account is created.


If I set the blog to have custom access permissions do all blog posts made after then inherit those permissions?

2 replies

    • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
    • Alenka_Prezelj
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Richard!
    Unfortunately, it's currently not possible to have two blogs on OpenLearning. However, I can offer a few workarounds.


    1) For public blog posts:

    If you need posts to be visible to users outside of the course the student is taking, The user can set up the privacy for the blog posts. Please note for public posts, the user's profile should not be set to private.


    While you can limit the privacy of a blog post to a course, it will be viewable by anyone in that course, not just the tutor, so instead, I'd suggest the following:


    2) For private, 1-on-1 discussions, examples, etc:


    Within the course, have a page designated for this. The students will submit their work via Post text or Post file widget. Set the privacy of posts to be visible only to Author and Course staff. 


     The discussion between the student and the tutor can follow under the post as comments:



    Would this work for you?

    • Richard_Buckland
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Alenka - that's very clear, and very helpful.  I appreciate you going to the trouble to offer the work arounds too...

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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