Tidak bisa mengirim dan menerima postingan
Saya tidak bisa melihat postingan orang lain, dan postingan saya tidak bisa dilihat orang lain juga. saya hanya bisa melihat postingan guru. mohon bantuannya
Hours after finishing course
When I complete a course, how do you get your hours because I need to provide my NESA number to contribute to hours? I can't see anywhere to type in my NESA number.
Search function
Hi. Can anyone tell me if there is a search function within the course content? Eg if I can remember reading something about a topic, can I search for it or do I need to trawl through the content…
- Answered
My video still error
Hi, I already wait for 1 week but the video still disabled by the onwer. Hope you can help me. Thank you
Video error
Hi, I have a problem with the video, it say the video has been remove by the onwer. I can't continue my learning process. I'm taking Introductory Japanese Language
- Answered
farm safety
hi, I cant move forward to the next modules, modules 1.2 activity1: Managing Hazards and Risk. I matched the hazards, submitted but still showed not completed.…
need to renew niosh OGSP
- Answered
Police check
I just got a Police check through another company a few days ago ($50) & how do i upload certificate to my profile? Thanks o:
- Answered
Upload a file ?
I have just uploaded a PowerPoint file (.pptx) to the OpenLearning platform. On the Gallery the link appears as a ? in a small blue box, in a rectangle with my photo lower left.…
navigating course
It may be me but I can not find how to navigate the course I am trying to take. If I try to move to the next lesson I seem to be taken to a new topic and not the next lesson.…
Navigating back to the homepage to access course lessons
Hi, I don't seem to be able to find a pathway to directly access the course navigation menu on the left-hand side i.e home-screen. https://www.openlearning.…
Please please please someone help
Question 2 on the quiz. I can’t for this life of me find the answer. I read the course work 4 times now. Have every other question right but can’t get this one :0 HELP
- Answered
How to find the "online" chat box?
Dear administrator, my Open Learning system cannot display the "online" chat box, and none of my classmates can see if I am online from their "online" chat box.…
- Answered
Qmap Course
Hello, I registered for the Qmap course and started. When I logged back in, I can't access the course.
Sorry for disturbing
Why the compulsary quiz dissapear from my screen ? Then how I am going to answer and finish this topic to get my certificate ? Need help. :(
Quiz widgets not working on iphone X
Hi A student of our course has been having trouble with the quiz widgets on her iphone X. Thank you
Why does my account cannot be link?
I received an invitation email from my training program, to link my openlearning account with their account, but after following register and try to link my account the problem above occurs,…
- Answered
Finalizare curs
Buna ziua! Nu pot intra pe paginile de la Modulul2 . Cum pot finaliza cursul?
Forbidden access
Hello, I want to ask for help, I cant access this website to join my group courses of my university for learning purpose. Pls help me, Thank you.
- Answered
Liabiliti korporat seksyen 17A course
The video is disable. I cant complete the course without seeing the video.so how?
- Answered
New to this
Please help me I'm new to this ...and not to good with technology ....is there a way to search up courses ? I can't find a search option at all been looking for over a hour I need CPR and first aide…
- Answered
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