Giving email permission to institutional course providers on OpenLearning
Why do learners need to provide email permission? How do learners provide email permission? How do learners withdraw email permission? All learners joining a course from an institution via the…
How do I leave a course?
Finished with a course or enrolled in the wrong one? You can leave or un-enrol from a course with a few simple clicks. Step 1 Click on the Courses tab on the top bar,…
How do I update my email address?
How to change your email address Step 1 Go to your Account Settings. Step 2 Click on the Change primary email address link. Step 3 Enter your new email address and your current account password and…
How do I deactivate or reactivate my account?
Deactivating your account Reactivating your account Deactivating your account will make you no longer active on OpenLearning and your profile will not be visible to anyone.…
How do I verify my email address?
In this article How do I verify my email address? I can't find the verification email! I can't find the verification email because I registered with an incorrect address!…
How do I enable chat (or direct messaging)?
In this article What is OpenLearning chat? How can I use the chat? Send a message from someone's profile page Send a message to users who are currently online I don't see a chat window.…
OpenLearning API: User Provisioning and Single Sign On (with LTI)
If you operate an online service or web application, it is likely that your users will have a user account with your service. It is possible for your existing users to navigate to OpenLearning…
How do I change my account's email address when it says it is already in use?
When trying to change your account's email address you might encounter an error message claiming that the new email address is already in use. This means you have registered this email address with…
How do I add and set a secondary email as primary email?
In this article How to add a secondary email address Email address is correct, but I did not receive the verification email. Email address is incorrect or spelled wrong.…
What is multi-factor authentication? How do I set it up?
In this article What is multi-factor authentication? How do I set up MFA? How do I turn off MFA? How do I create a new emergency recovery key? How do I ensure my account is secure when I sign in to…
How do I update my payment details?
How do I update my payment details when using: Stripe Manual payment / Invoice The steps to update your credit card details may depend on the payment gateway.…
The OpenLearning top bar icons
In this article What is the top bar? Institutions Courses Course notifications (the Bell icon) User drop-down menu (the Profile icon) Platform language icon What is the top bar?…
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) - FAQ
In this article How do I log in with MFA turned on? I can't access / I lost my phone with the authenticator app. What do I do? I lost my Emergency Recovery Key I have a new phone.…
I've lost my device with authenticator app installed. How do I set up MFA on my new device?
In this article I've lost my device with the authenticator app installed. How do I set up MFA on my new device? If you are already logged in to the platform If you are not logged in I've lost my…
Articles regarding user account settings and information.