Audiobook Advantage – incorrect videos in Module 1
Hi, I'm taking the Audiobook Advantage course, but it looks as though videos 1.3 and 1.4 are a repeat of video 1.2. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Suzie
Big ideas to Start Strong - can't complete
I have an issue trying to finalise the last module of Big ideas to Start Strong. I click to the last page and I get this message.
It does not allow me to access the course in which I enrolled and already made the payment
I enrolled in the course Policy Framework for Women-led MSME Access to Finance by AFI Educate, which indicates that it starts today October 14, I received the email where they supposedly give me…
Big Data & Analytics in Business
Hi, I am taking this course and I quite believed I had completed the course. However, the progress bar indicated 96% completed. After redoing the entire incomplete section twice, it remained at 96%.…
Hello, I have an issue with this percentage for my assessments in Lesson 3. I have downloaded and completed the file in lesson 3, but the percentage is not full.…
What is my body language saying? - last video not working
I am unable to watch this video to complete this course. I have watched it online and record a comment, however I am not able to complete the course. Could you please advise how to fix this issue?
Module 1.1, 1.1a and 1.2 are not loading
To whom this may concern, Videos in my SEO Copywriting course are not working aside from the Introduction video. I have cleared the cache, search and cookies on my Edge and Chrome browsers but they…
hi, i already create a quiz. but why this happen? what is quiz blocks. tq
No Certificate Supplied
Hello A couple of days ago I completed the Telehealth certification . For some reason no certificate has been made available to me. I must upload this as part of my university course.…
"contact course coordinator"
Hi, This error message comes up When I try to move on to the next part of the course. It is the "Becoming Mathematicians, big ideas to Start Strong" course. Please let me know what I can do. Thanks!
I cannot access the courses I’m enrolled in
I’ve enrolled with IAT/TAFE on 6 courses. im not able to access any
Video playback error
I seem to be having trouble with my video playback as every time I press pause or to move the slider, it reverts the video back to 00.00 . This has resulted in a lot of issues whereby I watch a…
Failed to load page data
Hi, I'm unable to view my subject MBOC7013 - Financial Management ODL. The page failed to load page data. Please assist.
Unable to proceed with my paid course.
I can't proceed further than module 2 on the Using Art material course... Can you please assist? Thank you Anna Dos Santos
Failed to load page data.
Cara mengatasi masalah tersebut? Saya tidak bisa membuka materi di cruse
Unable to enter course that someone has enrolled me in
Hi I received an email inviting me to an online course but my account keeps sending me this error message The administrator of the account has registered me.…
Error 404
Hello, I am doing Ethics & Fraud and receive Error 404 when selecting one of the links: Error Page - Santa Clara University (scu.edu) Help pls.
Using Art Materials
Course cut out in the middle of the presentaion
Unable to receive any notifications from Outlook
Hi, im unable to access any announcement that is sent to my email. Im also unable to see the PG-computing department as well. It says access denied
OpenLearning Invitation to Mar23-Sep23 ACCA TX(MYS) Taxation is not Accessible with Error Message (Service Unavailable/503-Gateway Error)
OpenLearning Invitation to Mar23-Sep23 ACCA TX(MYS) Taxation is not Accessible with Error Message (Service Unavailable/503-Gateway Error) . https://openlearning.uowmkdu.edu.…
Cannot view a module
I am doing the Becoming Mathematicians: Effective Teaching Practices online course and cannot open or view Module 5. It says that I don't have permission to view and to contact the administrator
No submissions remaining
- Answered
I have been using the OpenLearning app to do my courses only to find out that it doesnt count my active hours in the app.
I have been using the OpenLearning app to do my courses only to find out that it doesnt count my active hours in the app. Please help me to fix this issue because my semester ends in a week.…
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