What are assessments?
Outcome-Based Assessment Our goal is to provide effective learning experiences for learners and be able to evaluate their learning authentically. To that end,…
How do I assess learners?
Contents Before assessing How do I assess learners' quiz assessment? How do I view a learner's answers to the quiz questions? How do I assess learners' criterion-referenced assessment?…
How do I see my assessment results?
If Assessment reports are made available to learners by course facilitators, learners will be able to see the results by going to the My Progress page. If assessment report is released to learners in…
How do I view learners' answers to quiz assessments?
Setting up automatic grading assessments is an efficient way to grade and release the overall scores your learners achieve on quizzes and tests within your course.…
How do I release assessment results in batches?
You can now release assessment results in batches. To release results in batches, go to Assess Students under Assessment in your course navigation bar.…
How do I set up automatic grading assessment? (quiz assessment)
Contents Quiz report layouts (This is the current UI) How do I set up a quiz assessment report? Things to check before setting up an assessment report (This is the updated UI) How do I create a quiz…
What is a Criterion-Referenced assessment on OpenLearning and where can you create them?
In this article: Video guide on Setting up assessment reports on OpenLearning About assessments on OpenLearning Things to check before setting up an assessment report How do I create…
How do I use learning outcome tags?
You can use outcome tags to link course content, activities, and learners' posts to the course outcomes. Make sure you have already set up learning outcomes and shorthand tags for each outcome.…
What is Exam on OpenLearning, and where can you create them?
Contents What is an Exam on OpenLearning? Creating an exam from the Gradebook Previewing an exam that I just created Copy an exam from another class What is an Exam on OpenLearning?…
How do learners see the assessment results?
In this article... How to make Assessment reports available to learners Where do learners view the assessment results? How to make Assessment reports available to learners In order to ensure…
What are learning outcomes?
Learning outcomes drive both course design and learner assessment. All learning activities within a course should map to its outcomes. Step 1 You can edit your course outcomes from the Course builder…
How do my learners take an exam on OpenLearning?
What is it? Now that you have successfully created your exam by following the guide here What is Exam on OpenLearning, and where can you create them and here, How do I run an exam on OpenLearning,…
How do I run an exam on OpenLearning?
Contents What is it? Adding the new exam widget to the block page Linking the exams that you have created in the Gradebook to your course page View mode of the exam widget Exam: Not started Exam:…
What is Gradebook and where can you configure it?
What is Gradebook on OpenLearning Gradebook is a new feature on OpenLearning. We have replaced the Report Design page with Gradebook. Now, you can create rubric reports,…
What should a learner do when they go offline during an exam?
In this article What should a learner do if they go offline during an exam? What do I do if I go offline? What do I do if I accidentally click Submit while offline?…
Why don't I see Assesment tab in my course?
In this article How do I assign someone an assessor or assessment designer role? How do I remove someone as facilitator, assessor or assessment designer?…
Articles regarding assessments on OpenLearning.