Ability to set larger font size for body text in widget
Hello, I have found student response to the content of courses is that the default font size in the body text is too small. The only way I can increase the font size in the widget is to highlight…
API and Excel export containing assessment result
In the “Assess Learners” page, there is a “Export” button that allow user to produce a csv or excel file. The file contains learner data and result of assessments as they are designed in “report…
Improvement - own logs visibility
Hi Team is there a way I can look at the log of what is on the blog and commenting other people's blogs, do the likes etc? This would be a helpful feature for me to go and grab stats and see logs so…
Copy/Move Blocks to Sub-Pages
At present it is not possible to move blocks into sub-pages. This is essential when developing a course that grows and evolves into a larger and more structured piece of work.
Audio input
Hi, It would be useful for participants to read in an answer rather than just type it. Like the microphone option for text or WhatsApp messages
Assessment report export is different
Dear Developer, When I export the assessment results, the exported quiz results are different with what are written in the assessment. The quiz results become the number of correct answers.…
- Completed
Drawing tool
A drawing tool for sketching would be great
Two-signature certificate
Please add one more signature to the certificate of completion. In some cases, we are required to include the signatures of both an industry trainer and an academic. Thanks.
Announcements should appear in Course Feed
Dear Developer, I usually inform importing things in the Annoucements. My students said they did not know the information written in the announcement. Normally students follow all public…
Student listing in Assessment
Hi, I think last time when I click Learner the names of students appear then I can select another student to assess. Now when I click it, then I have to type the name of student.…
- Completed
Question Banks for Quiz
Sometimes, when I create a repeated monthly course, I want to make some kind of graded test for my learners. But I don't want my old learners to leak the answer to my tests to the new upcoming…
Exclusive page visibility for classes/groups
Hello OpenLearning! Currently you have an excellent feature that enables us to control access to a page based on particular rules. For example: Only give access to pages for a class group,…
Background image on Lesson pages
Would be great to have background images on lesson pages, also full width and height (background-repeat no-repeat not working etc). thanks martin
Copying and Pasting of Content
In order to preserve the rights of the author of courses, it would be helpful if the course materials could not be copied and pasted by students
Displaying hidden widgets on completion of quiz questions or other widgets
We come across the question quite often, if it is possible to display a hidden widget (text, HTML5) on students correctly answering a multiple choice question or another question type.…
Increasing the number of topic categories under which to list a course
At the moment, when a learner clicks on the button Browse Courses by Institution on the OL Homepage, courses are only searchable under one topic category.…
- Completed
Qualification landing page
Can we have "who is in this course" on the qualification landing page? It would help with the marketing strategy. Thanks
Navigation from Profile and Credential pages
We'd like our learners to be able to navigate from their Portfolio page and from their Credentials page directly back to our institutional portal landing page.…
Class enrolment cap
We would like to be able to set a maximum number of enrolments for a course/class. Once that many users have enrolled the course should no longer accept enrolments.…
- Completed
Export all data for one student only
I would like to be able to export all the courses and data related to one student at a time. Currently it's possible to view the information for one/selected students but when this is exported you…
Allow assessment answer .csv export
I would like to be able to download a .csv file for a given class that has a column for the student name, and then the answers they provided as part of the quiz assessment in each of the following…
Allow restriction of access to editing enrollment questions to educators
I only want the course creator to be able to edit enrollment questions. I don't want educators to be able to change the enrollment questions. Currently there's no way to keep educators from editing…
ADD a glossary feature
Hi! I'd like to be able to add a glossary feature with key vocabulary definitions. Ideally, it would be (hyper) linkable to the text inside Open learning so a student could click on the relevant…
e-certificate download
I would like to suggest an option/adding button to download all certificate for all learners as we might need to store and keep the e-certificate for future reference.…
Disable commenting on all pages at once
Would it be possible to enable a feature in settings which allows you to disable commenting on all pages at once, course wide, rather than having to go and disable page by page? Thank you, Sarah
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