Hi, I am an administrator at a tertiary institution that subscribes to open learning. how to access closed courses. We want to do a course evaluation, but we can't access the courses we want because the courses we want to access have been closed
8 replies
Hi Hardianti for us to assist you, please email us at with a link to the course in question. Thank you.
Hi, I am an administrator at a tertiary institution that subscribes to open learning. how to access closed courses. We want to do a course evaluation, but we can't access the courses we want because the courses we want to access have been closed
Could you please grant special access to institutional administrators to enter all courses
I want to get into all the courses at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang. because I want to monitor and evaluate the courses of all lecturers.
I want to monitor and evaluate the lecturer learning model in the course