Connecting a quiz page to a report - searching pages

HI OL. I am setting reports for exams that I am running using OL materials (quiz pages). I understand that I need to search to identify the specific quiz and add it. I have done this many times. However, every time I do it, there is a degree of gambling involved in identifying the quiz page as I can only enter a few words on which to search, providing multiple results. I need to choose a result from the list which might be the right one - it's random as I can search on enough words to identify something specific. Is there another way to do this? 


The screen shot shows a search on Reading page – it results in a number of results which are titles Page 2: Reading Text 1.


I am actually trying to find a specific Page which is Page 2: Reading Text 1 which is used in a mid-course exam. I am unable to enter any further words to narrow this search. The result is I must randomly choose on of the Page 2 results and hope that it is the right on. However, if it isn’t, then the next search will be different and the results randomly mixed again – I can’t eliminate each result and go to the next on the list as each ‘search’ produced a new randomly missed series of results.


Is there something that can be done.


Because of this, a seemingly simple process can take hours as I roll the dice each time.


Any advice?


1 reply

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for getting in touch, Dale!

    It may be best to make some slight changes to the titles of those pages. That way, it will be easier to tell right away which page is the correct one instead of having to search through each page titled "Page 2: Reading Text 1"

    To change the title of a page, you can simply go to that page in your course and click on the title at the top of the page to edit it.

    I hope this helps!

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