Course facilitator/moderator.
Hello everyone
What to do if there is nobody facilitating or moderating the group?
9 replies
Hi there! Are you having trouble within the course that requires the attention of the course admin? If not, and you are referring to a Group such as a Study Group of students within the course, these do not have to be moderated by facilitators or admins but can be instead spaces for the students themselves.
If there is a specific issue, please do let me know the details and provide a link to the page. I would be happy to assist you further!
Hai, i have a problem with my course. i already submitted it and complete the task, but i still cannot proceed to the next level. how can i manage that?
hi my name is Muhammad Anzar i study at the Muhammadiyah University Surakarta in indonesia, i ask for help my class problem is closed because i am late for entry.. please help me so i can access my class thank you...
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