Download/export student progress
Hello team, hope you have a great day! I wanted to share a suggestion with you. It would be awesome to be able to download/export progress of a particular student as a CSV file.…
Automated/timed reminders
Hello OpenLearning team! I was wondering if it is possible to set up automated/timed and reminders for students? For example, to set up a reminder that the assessment is due in XX days.…
Downloading files from student posts in bulk
Hello OL team! Thank you for all your amazing work :) I wanted to share my thoughts on downloading student work from posts. It would be great to have an option to be able to download files from…
Administrator access to multiple cohorts
Hi! I have noticed that when I add a new course admin, this person does not always have an access to multiple cohorts and I need to add them manually. Also,…
Editing pages and saving changes before doing anything else
Editing pages usually requires using multiple widgets. If I want to add a new widget, I always get the message 'Please save all changes before creating a block' (please see the screenshot ).…
Last viewed option for students and staff
Some clients asked about the feature 'last viewed' for students and even staff members. Would be useful to be able to view when was the last time a student'staff member visited the course.
Showing total number of posts shared in the course
Hello! As a course designer, I would like to see and track a total number of posts shared in the course for research and reporting purposes. I could see that I can track a total number of comments…
Survey widget and numerical data in CSV file
Hello! A client reported an issue with downloading a CSV file from a survey widget. They wanted to create charts using the data collected in the survey, however,…
Comment made on examination report does not display in student view
Issue summary: An assessor writes a comment on a students' Examination Report: The student receives a notification about the comment: When the student goes to the examination report,…
- Fixed
How do I remove a badge from my profile page?
Hello! I have noticed that all badges I've earned are shown on my new profile page. How can I remove/hide one or more of the badges? Thanks!
- Answered
Course welcome emails sent from institution settings
Hello! Currently, when I invite new students or staff members to an OpenLearning course via institution I can enable or disable sending a course welcome email and an institution welcome email.…
Embedded iFrame widget progress
It appears that the embedded iFrame widget completion is not recognised in students' progress. When completion settings are set as 'completed when viewed' (default setting) and students view the…
- Fixed
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