Student pending enrolment but is able to join course

I have a report from a lecturer that a student in her course has the status of pending enrolment. There are supposed to be 5 students enrolled but only 4 are listed. The "pending" student is able to get in the invite-only course and is submitting answers to learning activities and also able to view pages that are closed (by date). The course is BCS2253 Algorithm Design and Analysis.
5 replies
Hi Azlina, it seems the student hasn't verified their e-address that's why it was showing them as pending. I verified their e-address for them, so if you take a look at the student list, you will see there are now 5 students.
Hello Alenka Prezelj , i'm facing exactly the same issue as shown above. May I know, will there be any error or message prompted to ask them to verify their accounts before joining the course on OpenLearning?