having trouble to drag and drop the answers to the quiz.... been there since morning.... w t.f
Trouble with course completed
Hello community, I can't finish the section "reading materials" of the course "Electrical Energy Economics and Planning". Could you help me ??? Yours sincerely.
Generic quiz answer regardless if right or wrong
Hi OL community! I'm making a self-led course where participants will submit short answer text questions. Once the answer is submitted, I would like for a text-box to pop up with a model correct…
Turning off comments on course
Hi OL community! For my course I need to disable all comments, so that students cannot interact with each other at all (for child protection issues). Does anyone know how to do this? Also,…
Completing the course
How to complete the course?
Please help
Topik kenapa meminjam dah banyak Kali saya buat namun peratus masih tak berubah? Yang kuiz itu kena jawab ke
menamatkan kursus
Maaf, bukan diarah balik ke kuiz tetapi ikon kembali ke kaji selidik. Saya sudah jawab kaji selidik dan ini respon daripada sistem: Kaji Selidik Selepas Program "Hemah Bicara Hemat Belanja" Your…
Drag & Drop
Assalam & Selamat Pagi. Dari minggu lepas saya masih tak dpt lepas bahagian kuiz 'drag & drop' tu. Adakah my hp apps not supported ? Saya cadangkan kalau bahagian kuiz tu ditukar kepada cara 'answer…
Bad... bad..bad..
What is wrong with the quiz.... can't drag and drop properly. Been there since morning...it kept on bragging and i have to repeat..
Tidak boleh selesaikan kursus
Kenapa bab kenapa meminjam, tidak keluar soalan kuiz, Saya juga tidak boleh menjawab kuiz keran tiada soalan yang keluar, Harap dapat selesaikan masalah ini dengan segera,…
menamatkan kursus
How do we know we have completed the course? Ulang-ulang disuruh balik ke kuiz yang telah dijawab tiga kali.
Macam mana nk lengkapkan kursus jika kuiz x keluar
Masalah untuk sambung course
Semasa saya log in utk sambung course.. Kluar ' you do not have permission to view this page' contact admin administrator Mcmna nk selesaikn tu?
Bahagian "kenapa meminjam" 8/9 sahaja
Kenapa saya masih tidak dapat habiskan kursus ini... Sedangkan jawapan saya sudah buat semua berserta komen...
Have paid for interpersonal and human relations course but cannot find the course in subscription.
Hi, I have paid for the said course and how do I find the course in my account? Just couldnt find it anywhere
Stuck at renungan
Dah sampai topic renungan (75%) progress untuk kursus ini tetapi tidak ada button NEXT
Exporting data - pre-enrolment information
The export data section does not provide an option to export pre-enrolment information. How do I export these?
- Process Solution Pending
Cannot play the national anthem video
clicked but no response
Content aside
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