3. The Course Quality Criteria

While everyone with a subscription can design and teach a course on OpenLearning, we only list courses in our Course Marketplace that meet our Course Quality Criteria standards. The course reviews are done by our Customer Success team.

For your course to be listed in OpenLearning’s Course Marketplace, your course must meet the following standards:

  • Has learning outcomes
  • Has a course objective

  • The course uses module(s) to structure content

  • Has at least 5 pages with content or activities
  • No broken links, images, videos, etc.
  • No empty widgets

  • The course allows for interaction and social learning (e.g. discussions, commenting, sharing)

  • Has a course banner image 
  • Pages in modules have a thumbnail image
  • Uses images 
  • Is free from grammar/spelling errors and uses appropriate language

  • Has a course title
  • Has a course thumbnail image
  • Has a course promo video/image
  • Contains key information that learners need to know to enrol


Next: The Course Quality Criteria tips



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