LTI: Signing into OpenLearning via Blackboard
The LTI integration with Blackboard enables learners to sign into OpenLearning using their existing Blackboard credentials. You'll need to set things up in both Blackboard and OpenLearning to enable…
How do I set up and issue Accredible credentials for an OpenCreds course?
In this article... How do I set up Accredible credentials for my OpenCred course? How do I issue Accredible credentials? How do I share my credential? The below only applies to any courses that have…
How to feature a course? How do I make a course appear on the institution's landing page? How do I enable the “your courses” for learners?
In this article... How to feature a course on your portal Enabling the "Your Courses" function for learners In order for a course to appear on the landing page,…
What information can be exported and from where?
There are multiple areas within your course where the option to export information will be available to you. Below is a basic outline of where the export option is available and what information can…
How do I create an institution portal?
In this article How do I create an institution portal? How do I join an existing institution? How do I create an institution portal? If you had not created an institution portal when you first…
How do I add an additional institution to my subscription? How do I join an existing institution portal?
This article is for educators on the Enterprise (custom) plan which offers the ability to create multiple institution portals. If you would like to learn more about the custom subscription plan…
How to add a course to multiple portals
A course can be added to multiple portals. In general this is simple. As long as you are an admin of both a course and a portal, you can add the course to the portal.…
How to set up a Custom Payment Gateway
In this article.. 1.Enable the External Enrolment for your course 2.Set the price and currency for your class in the course 3.Building the Integration Layer OpenLearning supports a mechanism for…
How to set up FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can help answer any possible questions learners might have before joining. Step 1 Go to Institution Settings > FAQs. Step 2 Add your FAQs (it also supports markdown…
How to set up the portal footer?
In this article Customising Portal Footer Course Footer Customising Portal Footer You can set up the portal footer to have links to relevant pages for your organisation.…
How to set up testimonials
Testimonials are a great opportunity for social proofing for your organisation. People are typically more inclined to purchase a product if they have read credible testimonials from others about the…
How to set up institution selling points
Institution Selling Points are an opportunity to provide learners with the benefits of studying with your organisation. You can set each selling point up with a corresponding image or icon,…
How to set up your portal's branding
In this article: Add a Banner Image or YouTube URL Add your logo Set your brand colours You can customise the look and feel of your institution portal,…
How do I update Portfolio settings for my institution?
Portfolios are a fantastic opportunity for learners to showcase their learning artifacts and achievements that truly reflect their skills, personal development,…
How do I change the course duration that appears on my course landing page?
Most learners prefer seeing the duration of a course, or what we call the time commitment estimate, which will allow learners to know how much time they can expect they might need to complete a…
How to add an institution tagline and meta description for search engines
You can customise your portal's tagline and meta description, that shows up in search engines. Step 1 Go to Institution Settings > Settings > General Step 2 Type in your institution tagline Step 3…
How to set your institution portal to online/offline and public or private
In this article How to turn your institution portal online/offline How to set your portal to Private or Public To set your portal to Public To set your portal to Private Which settings should I…
How do I add team members?
Guide: Institution roles and enrolment management 1. What is an institution on OL? 2. Understanding different roles 3. How do I add my team members? 4. How do I add learners? 5.…
Understanding different roles
Guide: Institution roles and enrolment management 1. What is an institution on OL? 2. Understanding different roles 3. How do I add my team members? 4. How do I add learners? 5.…
LTI: Signing into OpenLearning via the e-LATiH/Go1 portal
In this article Setting up LTI in the course Learner's Progress The LTI integration with e-LATiH/Go1 enables learners to sign into OpenLearning using their existing e-LATiH/Go1 credentials.…
What is an institution portal?
An institution portal is a great way to showcase all of your organisation's courses under one portal page, complete with your own branding elements. With an Institution Portal, you can:…
Guide: Institution roles and enrolment management
Guide: Institution roles and enrolment management 1. What is an institution on OL? 2. Understanding different roles 3. How do I add my team members? 4. How do I add learners? 5.…
How do learners get notified that they've been added to the institution and/or enrolled in a course?
Guide: Institution roles and enrolment management 1. What is an institution on OL? 2. Understanding different roles 3. How do I add my team members? 4. How do I add learners? 5.…
xAPI: How can I collect and store learner information to use for learning analytics on OpenLearning?
In this article.. Event Triggers xAPI Statements Connecting LRS to your Openlearning course xAPI lets you gather specific information about how learners interact with your courses,…
How to access and export learner's data from the institution
As an institution administrator, you can access and export learner data for all courses directly from the institution. This can be useful for reporting and tracking learner progress and course…
Public documentation regarding institutions.